Individualized services that are as
unique as you are.
Wellness & Injury Recovery
As research have shown, peptides/proteins plays a significant role in our general wellness and a beneficial role in slowing down the aging process, reducing inflammation, and destroying
microbes. Additionally, peptide therapies can provide a decrease in body fat and an increase in lean muscle mass.
Other benefits include:
Increasing Athletic Performance
Decreasing recovery times - helping improve your athletic performance
Utilizing your body's healing abilities thus improving healing times of injuries
Bringing back the youthful appearance to your skin
Price List:
Initial One Hour Consultation
The initial consultation includes a complete history and physical. In addition, we will go through each lab one by one with you so you understand where you stand with your health.
Treatment options and Cost:
Medications are administered on a nightly basis and results in faster gym recovery times, faster injury recovery, increased muscle development, fat loss, improved skin quality, and improved
sleep. It is typically given in 3-month cycles. Price ranges from $240 to $320/month with 4 to 6 weeks supply, depending on dose and treatment option.